10 Seeds of Greatness (See Class Blog)
![Image result for 10 seeds of greatness denis waitley](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71gY33fj-mL._AC_UL320_SR200,320_.jpg)
Seed 1: Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
Self-esteem is when you have confidence in your own worth also in your abilities.
2: The Seed of Creativity
"Releasing your creativity energy"
![Related image](http://firebrandtalent.com/wp-content/uploads/SidebarProject.jpg)
3: The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we so, we reap."
![Image result for responsibility](https://seanwes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/250-sw-excuses-vs-responsibility.png)
4: The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary- which implies broad, general knowledge-characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
![Related image](http://firebrandtalent.com/wp-content/uploads/SidebarProject.jpg)
3: The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we so, we reap."
![Image result for responsibility](https://seanwes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/250-sw-excuses-vs-responsibility.png)
4: The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary- which implies broad, general knowledge-characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
![Image result for wisdom](http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1903224/images/o-WISDOM-facebook.jpg)
5: The Seed of Purpose
"The gold mine in your goals"
![Image result for purpose](http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/08/18/636071356953155711-1944115779_Purpose-Driven.jpg)
What seed of purpose mean is that you need a purpose in order to strive the goal you'll like to accomplish. What i mean by this is that if your purpose in doing what you want isn't as good as your goal, why strive for it. Having purpose could also mean/be related to someone as in that specific individual giving you reasons in to completing what you want.
6: The Seed of Communication
"Reach out and touch someone"
![Image result for communication](http://afrilandproperties.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Communication-2.png)
Having communication is a quality individuals should tend to have and do. If you don't have communication with others, how are people going to articulate what you need or desire.
7: The Seed of Faith
The power of positive believing
![Image result for faith](http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/11/14/636147316239078650-32332206_636018622516705215492689983_faith_1.jpg)
Having faith in what you want to accomplish is having complete trust in yourself. You could also have faith in someone as in when they want to begin something such a a project and by having faith in them, they know that you have complete trust that they're going to accomplish what they're about to strive for.
8: The Seed of Adaptability
"Turing problems into opportunities"
Adapting yourself to your surroundings
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” What this quote means is that regardless of what the reason or circumstances may be, you shouldn't just leave, you instead need to adapt yourself because wherever you'm may go, there's always going to be something that you'll eventually going to be adapting to.
9: Perseverance
"The will to win is everything"
![Image result for perseverance](https://dc95wa4w5yhv.cloudfront.net/image-cache/Perseverance-and-the-Science-of-Resilience_825_460_80_c1.jpg)
Having perseverance is a great quality and having it means that you like to keep on trying until you get accepted in whatever you may have applied in such as jobs, colleges, etc. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don"t stop." This quote means that no matter how long you take to accomplish your goal, finishing it is what really matter and also doing it right. Doing thing in a hurry could get you to finish whatever you may started fast but it might not be as good as in if you would of taken your time.
10: Perspective
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and attitude."
![Image result for perspective](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TJ1SDXbij8Y/maxresdefault.jpg)
There's many ways to look at things and how to react to them.
10: Perspective
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and attitude."
![Image result for perspective](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TJ1SDXbij8Y/maxresdefault.jpg)
There's many ways to look at things and how to react to them.